So I got something in the mail the other day that caught my eye. Usually when I see junk mail addressed to me, I rip off my address and toss it in the recycling bin. This time though, as I said, it caught my eye. On the plain white envelope words, in what I suspect is bold Trebuchet, just above the window where my name and address peek out was the phrase:
Help Defend Traditional Marriage
“Hmmm… This should be good,” I thought. So I pulled out my trusty wooden, hand carved, African Art envelope open and went to town. The header on the letter read, “Campaign Life Coalition” Between the words “Life” and “Coalition” there was a clipart, black and white rose.
The opening salutation reads, “Dear Friends of the unborn and the family,” Nice, I thought, set the tone right away. The first paragraph of the letter went on for forever explaining how the Campaign Life Coalition has been working with the many new prolife MPs who were elected in Ontario. Blah blah blah, realities of a minority parliament… skip skip skip… encourage our polititicians to respond to the urgent need to fill the legislative void that exists in Canada with respect to the unborn… blah, blah, blah. I won’t touch the subject matter abortion with a meter stick, so I’ll keep my comments in that respect to myself.
Reading the first paragraph I wondered if the call to arms on the envelope was just false advertising, but then in the third paragraph I found what I was reading for:
“A less welcome change has been the shocking, quick and sudden gains made by the homosexual movement in its assault against the institution of marriage.” There’s an
ass-assault joke here, but I’m mature enough to avoid it.
(no I’m not, I’m all about the dick n’ ass jokes) But the image this sentence conjures up is frightening, isn’t it? Gays and Lesbians decked out in matching camouflage khakis, armed with strap-ons and astro-glide tubes, “assaulting” the institution of marriage. THE HORROR.
I’m being facetious, people. I don’t dislike gays, and I find lesbians intriguing, and in certain circumstances quite fashionable. I say I don’t dislike gays, but I’m not fond of them. The fact that I’ve had many “you’re not gay? Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying” instances has soured me on them to a degree.
Exhibit A – When I was 16 I went to the Philippines for my Grandmother’s 1 year death anniversary. While I was ballin’ at the local basketball court a family friend I hadn’t seen in Canada for a while came swaying his hips towards the court. He called out my name as I took aim for a shot. I turned as I launched the ball, which was invariably swatted.
I turned to see Eiking, pronounced, “ee-king”. His hair was shoulder length, blonde, he was wearing tight-ass jeans, his nails manicured, his mid-riff exposed. I vaguely remember his shirt. Black mesh. I must’ve muttered, “Oh shit.” Or something to that extent because my cousins and their friends started laughing as Eiking made his way towards me.
He stuck out his hand and I shook it. All I could say was, “Hey, how are you?” He started talking to me, real comfortably, and within five minutes, he asked me, “Do you accept gays?” I looked at him, his broken English was like a bear trap. How did he mean it? One misstep and I could look like a total pillow-biter. I said, “Uhh, yea. They’re cool.” He smiled.
Later that night my cousin Avel took me to a night club where Eiking and his friends were at. I got SMASHED off some San Miguel, and was feeling good y0. One of Eiking’s boys had been coming to me all night asking to use my lighter. I was like, “yo, sure dude. Lemme light it for you.”
See that, right there? Is that considered an open invitation for gays to start hitting on me? I don’t know for sure, but as I got more and more smashed, the more and more this dude started hitting me. I thought he was being nice, but looking back he was a little too friendly.
Exhibit B – Setting, Glendon. Year one. During an exam the pen of the dude beside me exploded all over his hands. I felt sorry for him so I gave him some tissues and an extra pen. He bounced before I could get my pen back, but it was all good. Next week he came to class with a small, neatly tied package. It was an expensive pen from the York book store. I handed it back to him and said, “Look dude, it’s all good. I can’t take this.” He smiled, and seriously, he batted his lashes at me. He said, “It’s okay, you keep that one and I’ll keep the one you lent me.”
I started to sit way in the front of the class after that.
Exhibit C – Again, Glendon. Cafeteria. I was sitting there minding my own shit when this guy, I can’t remember his name, but called him Barney, like the dinosaur, came over to where I was sitting. He was a big black dude, really nice, but smelled like a hamburger left out in the sun. Anyway, he struck up a conversation about ninjas. Yes, ninjas. I thought it was weird, but I went with it. Hell, who among us doesn’t like ninjas? Little did I know this was his lead in to his pick up line.
“Wanna come to my room and see my sword?”
Exhibit D – Christmas, 2001. My cousin Jack* is gay. We all know it, while he tries to hide it. The saddest thing I ever saw was when I went to his house this one time years and years ago. All over his house there were copies of playboy magazine, stacks after mother fucking stack of skin books. In his room where Danny and I setup his super Nintendo there were piles of straight porn VHS tapes. I had never seen such an impressive collection of pornography in my life. The sad thing was, Jack was covering up his gayness by piling on the male hetero-spank material.
Anyway, back to Christmas 2001. My cousin Jack’s boyfriend Will* was down in the basement with us kids getting smashed. He was showing off, trying hard to fit in, drinking as much vodka as he could straight from the bottle. I was pretty tipsy. As Will left to go upstairs, he rubbed mine and D’s belly. RUBBED MY BELLY. His hand dipped, I think and I wonder, were we molested that night?
So yes, you can see why I’m a little skittish around gay dudes.
Back to the letter though. In paragraph three Mr. Jim Hughes, sender of the letter I received, explains, “In Ontario, the McGuinty Liberals, with the full support of the PC Party led by pro-same-sex-marriage leader John Tory and the NDP, recently rammed through the legislature a new law, which has now established same-sex marriage as a legislative fact in this province.”
Yes, he wrote, “rammed”Continuing, “We cannot tell you how each member of the legislature voted on this crucial bill because the three parties conspired to ensure that there was no recorded vote on the issue.”
Yes, a big, GAY conspiracy. That’s
exactly what it was, Jim. It’s like those 1950’s movies where the aliens invade the earth and take up political jobs, pretending to be humans so that they can rule the world. But instead of aliens they’re gays, instead of the 1950’s it 2005, instead of the movies it's real life, and instead of the world it’s just Ontario.
Run Jim, run for the hills, the gays are coming.
Through the remainder of paragraph 4, well into paragraph 5, Jim demonstrates his willingness to give Frank Klees, PC MPP for Oak Ridges, a hand job for his valiant effort at trying to keep the gay man and woman down. Jim writes, “Frank Klees stayed true to his word as a pro-marriage MPP and defied Premier McGuinty and even his own PC leader John Tory when he stood in the legislature and asked for a recorded vote on the Ontario Same-sex “marriage” bill. Frank deserves our thanks, gratitude and continued support and respect for this display of integrity and courage.”
Integrity and courage. Yes, it takes a lot of Integrity to be a hate-monger and vote scrounger. And courage? Why, YES. It takes a REAL man to bash a group of people who have been bashed since the Puritans said ass-fucking and beaver pelting (for women) wasn’t cool.
Finally, the last five paragraphs was Jim’s heartfelt plea for help. Here are some more quotes as I’m too lazy to actually form coherent paragraphs and witty verbiage to introduce them.
“These successful ventures have been very expensive for the CLC and have left many of our staff and volunteer exhausted; yet we carry on.”
Yes, it must be very hard to bash gays and lesbians from the comfort of your retirement pension. And yes, keep fighting the “good fight” from your walkers and motorized
“We are now just days away from the 2nd reading vote on Bill C-38, the Chrétien-Martin Liberal plan to impose on Canadians a diabolic redefinition of marriage and to destroy traditional marriage and the family.”
How does allowing gays and lesbians to marry DESTROY “traditional marriage”? Let alone destroy “the family”? Is the family and marriage so feeble that a couple of plaid vest wearing dikes with nicely cropped hair hitching the ball and chain to each other some how has an affect on heterosexual marriage?
I don’t have anything witty to say after all that. So I guess the post stops here.
N3Rd-OPost Script – Hate, even in tidy letters, with roses in the header, sucks.
Post Script Script – yes, that’s what P.S. stands for. They used to charge extra for it on telegrams.
*names changed I’m not sure if both still pretend to be straight.