Thursday, February 10, 2005

Kenpo Fashion Accessories

"huh-huh... uhh... after you fix that clasp can you like karate-chop someone for me?"

Sunday, February 06, 2005

To You. (yes, you)

At 2:31 AM, vic romano said...

Ah...nice to see your blog mature into a *forum*. Guess it's what I get for missing out for weeks.

P.S. Anyone who blogs automatically rides a high horse; there's always an audience and they're there to listen, in any case.

As I'm sure is true for many blogs it was always the intention of this to elicit some sort of reaction. Whether that reaction was silent contemplation by the reader or a verbal/textual response was fine with me. But it's nice to actually "see" that there are people reading and more importantly to "hear" what you all are thinking. I wish more people would speak their mind. Even if it's to disagree.

I thank all of you for your posts as it makes this more enjoyable. Also, don't be afraid to touch the creative pieces I put on here! Praise them! Diss them!

Reaction is good! Silence is BAD!


Vic, say hi to Kenny Blankenship
for me.


I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Your sentence structure and tone are telling. I'll msg you when you come on, we haven't talked in a while y0.

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