Friday, February 04, 2005

Academic Education is Over Rated

From undergrads to master’s students, to PhDers and College dropouts, we’re all guilty of spouting this kitschy phrase. The difference therein lies with what is meant by those who say it. I’ve said it, I admit. But I’ve said it not really believing it. I’ve said it because it’s a hip, fashionable, couture thing to say when you’re in the process of attaining your degree. If I really believed this sack-of-shit comment I wouldn’t be a university student. Instead, I’d be content to set my life in neutral, lugging around terracotta pots day to day, complaining about not being given enough responsibility, then complaining more when I’m given just that.

If there is one universal truth about university it’s this: All of us have reasons. Many of us do it for our parents. Some of us do it because we’re scared of the real world. Some of us do it because we think it’s the way to prepare ourselves for the real world. Some people do it out of fear of being left behind. Still, there are others who see school as a road not taken, but certainly a path they'd like to wander. For these people school is a place where they might find their way to a better life, and in turn, find out who they really are. Now I can’t speak for anyone, nor can I point to any of you and say with any certainty who does what for which, but I can tell you this:

I am not in school to make myself smarter.

School can do many things, but this is not one of them. I’m intelligent, and that is all. Arrogant? No, no, no. I am simply not modest. Nor should I be. I have worked very hard to get where I am. I have not spent the better part of my life sitting on my ass lamenting my misfortunes and not owning up to my failures. I have taken advice of friends, as well as my fair share of lumps and bruises from critics. And never once have I resulted to calling names or calling threats, or attacking someone’s significant other when they were simply trying to shake my tree. That is below me. And that is for cowards. If my saying "I'm intelligent" makes you feel icky then that's your problem, not mine.

For the college drop out the phrase “Academic education is over rated” takes on an entirely different meaning. I can’t speak for them, nor can I put words in their mouths, but I know how bitter failure can be. That’s all I can say about that, never being a drop out myself.

I’m in school not because I’m afraid of the real world; I could write without being here. I’m in school not because my parents force me; I hold the reins in my life. I’m in school not because I have something to prove; I know I can follow through. I’m in school not so I can say I’m smarter than you, get over yourself. You’re really not that important. (And by they way, I never said that. Maybe I don't have to. Maybe you already know.)

School does not make a person smarter, it challenges people to think. It's helped me to see more clearly the things I will fight for and the things that are not worth my time. I am in school because I have an intrinsic need and love for learning. Call me a nerd and loser for that. It won’t matter. I was never modest in that respect. And any how, the expiry date on intellect is way further in the future than that of beauty. Academic education is not over rated. Beauty is. Beauty does nothing for no one but itself.


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, still an asshole.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

Yup, still a coward.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome how you try to constantly back peddle to gain some kind of public approval. To constantly put yourself on a high horse to let others believe or think that you are someone that is worthy and amazing. Get over yourself.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

*Yawn* Coward.

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jona, the just slightly less cocky than yves, but who hides it in her cute demeanor says:

does this cunt, who doesn't have the balls to post his name, even know yves in real life anyway? i'm not gonna defend him, but he's allowed to be cocky cos he can prove his shit, unlike conceited mofos who have nothing to show for (sorry...gotta end that sentence with a proposition to be at the same level as that anonymous bastard).

i'm in uni cos i like learning. fo shizzle.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

Ignore her, Jona.

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jona says:

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The teddy bear picture is cute. hahaha.:p

At 4:04 PM, Blogger D said...

You are a nerd and loser for having an intrinsic need and love for learning.

At 6:49 PM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

"I am in school because I have an intrinsic need and love for learning. Call me a nerd and loser for that."

Well I did ask for it. Thanks for taking time out of your busy I-like-to-write-about-urinals time, Dan. Appreciated.

In other matters, I can't believe Swany liked, no LOVED your title suggestion. I'm convinced you two have a "thing" going. I kid. (no, really.)

XOXOXOXOXOXO <--- Rule Zero violation?

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* (I thought that you and I would have a lovely debate on the phone or in person by now, yet here I am posting a comment on your blog when I told myself to just call you instead...)

Dearest Yves,

You're right about too many things.

I know that you're intelligent. I know that I am as well. The difference between you and me is that you have indeed followed through. I have given up on myself so many times that I've lost count. I have failed at so many things because I was terrified of my critics. I have been so scared that it has blinded me from figuring out who I am and what it is that I should be doing. I have made so many excuses, and frankly, I am ashamed of myself.

I'm "allowed" to be sorry and own up to my mistakes, right? I'm "allowed" another chance(at school, life,etc.), right?

"School does not make a person smarter, it challenges people to think. It's helped me to see more clearly the things I will fight for and the things that are not worth my time. I am in school because I have an intrinsic need and love for learning."

I'm "allowed" to have these reasons, too, right?

Frances May

P.S. I'm appalled that you think I've posted a comment on your blog before this one.

P.S.S. May I suggest a coffee date of some sort sometime this week?

At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the banter is interesting... like i can feel the tension any ways i'm enjoying this little journey into your psyche...

yur cuzin...


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