I am not a rapist nor am I a child molester.

It’s a strange world we live in, I’m sure you’re well aware. Today I was in my favourite store (Dollarama. Y0, don’t knock it. Maaaaaaaaad shit there for a dollar.) standing in line, minding my own business, cursing under my breath the snow falling outside. The lady in front of me had a buggy full of Christmas knickknacks as well as a toddler strapped into the cart. I only had saran-wrap, a pack of freezer bags, and a pack of M&Ms (peanuts) and she didn’t offer to let me go ahead of her. Bitch. But that’s not the point of this little story.
The woman ahead of me rushed out of the line to get something she’d forgotten. While she was gone her toddler, a girl wearing a pink jacket and toque with strawberry blonde hair wisping out from beneath it, smiled at me. (all the bitches love EEBEE) I smiled back. Mom still hadn’t come back, but that was fine, the line wasn’t moving because the asshole in front of the woman in front of me didn’t know that Dollarama doesn’t take debit. Anyway, the little girl started to wiggle out of her seat and I feared she’d jump out and smash her melon. So I told her, “Hey, sit still!” She obeyed. While she was trying to get out of the seat she’d some how dislodged one of her booties, so I picked it up and was going to shove it back on her foot when her mom came rampaging like a water buffalo.
I gave her a dirty look and tried to explain. She snatched the boot from me as I tried explained what happened. The girl behind me confirmed. Mother buffalo thrust herself in line and proceeded to ask her daughter, “Are you okay, bear-bear?”
I could’ve stabbed her in the shoulder with my space pen. I was that livid.
I had the radio on while I drove home. I listen to talk radio, 640, 1010, 680… I’m an AM Band whore. They were talking about a policy that an airline in the
The policy came to light after a man seated next to a child was asked to change seats with a woman sitting in another row.
Is this what people see when they see me? Am I seen, are all men who are by themselves seen as potential rapists, child molesters, sexual fucking predators? Has the media got us so afraid of each other that this type of gender stereo-typing is acceptable under the dogma of “safety for our children by any means necessary” or have the majority of the world’s population just started to convert to Assholism?
What if I didn’t say something to that little girl and she slid out of the shopping cart? What if she smashed her brains all over Dollarama? What if I just stood there and watched. Was I wrong to pick up her boot? Is that a Dollarama faux pas? I’ll think twice the next time I touch, no, even look or smile at another persons child. Even those two words in the same sentence surely makes some people cringe: “Touch” and “Child”. Do we as a society no longer trust our men?
I really don’t know what else to say on this subject. Anyone?
P.S. On the subject of that airline thing... What kind of asshole sends their kid on a flight by themself? Or rather, if your child's seat is SOME WHERE else on the flight other than near or right beside you, you my friend are a shitty, cheap-assed parent.
That kid looks evil and what's he doing with his fingers?
Is this what people see when they see me? Am I seen, are all men who are by themselves seen as potential rapists, child molesters, sexual fucking predators?
Yes. Sorry.
Erin: i think he has a stick in his hand and he's using it to lift up the skirt.
ds: Well, you, yah. I can see people seeing that when they look at you... but me?
on the radio today (rock 95) there was an incedent where a woman woke up to a man having sex with her. (this all took place at a party, the party was over and ppl were crashed) she called teh cops and charged the man with rape. there was a man, (same party) who woke up with his pants around his ankles to the sound of police officers. this went to court and the man won because he has a disorder called 'sexsomnia' like sleepwalking but only with sex instead of walking...
courts are stupid.
Karla's appeal went through.
Listen, I was watching Law & Order and there was a suspect who looked like what I would approximate your appearance to be in 20 or 25 years time (with the addition of a giant facial mole). Strangely, the guy was Spanish, but whatever. The guy raped a 10-year-old girl and then killed her by spraying a can full of insecticide down her throat.
So yeah, case closed. yuo = teh molestar
well that's 20-25 years from now and when I have a huge mole on my face. ;P
you look like one now.
lol. you guys are assholes.
Dawn: Rules for buying shit from Dollarama.
1. Never buy soap, dishwashing liquid, or deodorant. They are made from the same shit they put in petrie dishes.
2. Never buy food. (M&M's excluded)
3. Never buy anything that gets close to your snatch or frank and beans.
Didn't you read the disclaimer before you went it?
Don't forget the element of racial profiling here man; we're Flips. Did I ever tell you about the time I was detained in Hawaii for being a supposed terrorist? Good story. Tell you later. Back to the point, we're a very suspicious race according to the rest of the world despite our coconut/banana exteriors. They look at our Spanish last names and Oriental eyes and say to themselves, "What the fuck are you?" You know those guys that call in bomb threats to stall exams? I bet none of them were Mid-East/South-East Asian cuz those guys would get booked in 10 seconds flat. And forget about you and me, we'd get arrested before we pick up the phone receiver. In fact I'm putting both our lives in danger by just thinking about it. Two Filipino's that use their computers a lot? 5-0 is about to fall from your ceiling in full battle gear and bludgeon you with stun sticks. We'll be standing back to back in the shower stall before sundown, covering each others asses whenever one of us drops the soap because Filipino's make good bitches in prison. My phone keeps clicking and it makes me nervous. So yes, you're thought guilty before proven innocent - and besides being a rapist/moldester you're an international terrorist, cold-blooded killer, hardware thief, and a psycho hacker - don't you watch the movies? Oh, and don't forget that you know karate...
lol...i think i must be a little irish then too 'cuz as soon as you mentioned "deep-rooted emotional problems" and "the bottle" i suddenly needed a beer. :)
Yves, I'm sorry, but I hereby abandon you and the Filipino franchise and convert to Irishism!
you guys should get married.
i am
[akward silence]
that wasn't a proposal though :)
unless you're willing to do the Elvis wedding in the chapel'o'love....i'm opting for 'old elvis' with the full body leather suit and mutton chops. you can b priscilla in the flower dress.
^^^ what the..
OK....who let the stock broker into the conversation?
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