Wednesday, January 05, 2005

internet in the class is a bad idea.

I'm in my prose class at the moment and we've just been given an in-class assignment. What is it you ask? It's to write a postcard fiction. Not only that we've been given direction. FUN.

1. Take on the voice of someone in the media (I can't get Paris Hilton out of my head)

2. Realize their weakness as a person (uhhh... cock-hungry? Can i say that in class?)

3. And write in their voice and attempt to show how they cover up that weakness.


The room is quite except for my typing. I wonder if that shit is distracting.

Tink & I

Well like, when I was younger and stuff Nikki and I used to play with barbies. But our barbies weren't the normal barbies you could just pick up at any store. No, daddy had some connections at Mattel and had some made especially for us. I loooooooved barbies, I remember like totally wanting to be barbie. In a way, I guess I kinda am. That's hot. Daddy's got all kinds of connection. Like The Simple Life? That was totally daddy. Free presidential suites for a year for some Fox high-up. I didn't want to do it at first, but like it was kinda fun. I needed to get started on my career. I wanna be a news caster, but not like going to Baghdad or anything like that. Couldn't you totally see me being like, "and now in the news." and stuff?

I'm sooooooooo incredibly lucky. My yogi, tells me I must've been something important in my past life. He said something about my aura, ummm... i can't remember, but whatever he’s got a sexy ass. OH MY GOD. I totally have to send someone out to get Tinkerbell that Murakami LV conversion dog tote I saw last week. That's hot. Tink you're such a bitch. Mommy loves you, you love me too, don't you? Yes you do... oh yess you do. Give mommy a kiss. She's being EXXXXTRA good these days because she knows I'm taking her to the V-E-T for some S-H-O-T-S. If she ever got sick, I'd totally throw a fit.

Oh my god, I had to go to that club that’s paying me to appear 3 times a year because I licensed them my name. What a drag. I was late and I was totally ready to go into bitch mode on them.


At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, yves has a blog!!
yes, im a little late but since we have nothing better to discuss than u in small town glendon, samie and jona told me u are back on the web...
first thought: for the love of all that is good and innocent... *shudder*
anywho, just wanted to say hi, hope all is well w/ u up at york main!


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