The milk has gone bad.

How could I resist an article so temptingly titled:
Romanian, 67, pregnant with twins
Adriana Iliescu says she expects to live for many years yet Romanian doctors say a 67-year-old woman is seven months pregnant with twin girls after fertility treatment. If the pregnancy comes to full term, it is believed that Adriana Iliescu, an author and academic, will become the oldest recorded mother.
Mrs Iliescu told local television she had always wanted to be a mother but had been unable to conceive naturally.
She says she is optimistic about her future as a mother, claiming her family has a history of longevity, and adding that she intends to bottle feed the twins.
Hurrah for the marvels of medical science. By the time the kid is born they'll both need diapers. As for the intention of bottle feeding? Well I fucking hope so! Look at her! Her milk is definitely past expiration date.
i really hope that the twins get a good life if everything is successful.
*most democratic answer possible*
hey Socs, remember Louisa? LMAO
jona, not expecting and not romanian, says:
and who could forget that first day of intro to psych when yves so gentlemanly offered to sit next to her in the front row. awww.
as for this article, i have nothing to say that wouldn't offend at least one person from the following categories:
-white trash pushing strollers occupied by half-kids
-women in general
-asians from countries that begin with "c" and end in "-hina"
Louisa. LOL... I am convinced that chick was part of a psych. experiement by some masters student. Seriously. She was just too fucked. Remember that one time when she stuck her head in the class when the projection screen was down? She looked liked this disembodied noggin'. fuck, good times.
LOL who can forget that first day Jona!
as well, the projection screen! LOL if i were drinking milk it'd shoot out of my nose after the mental image! LOL
jona says:
^who wrote that? what milk are you talking about?
your milk, jona.
LMAO! shut up! it's Samie!
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