This makes my job infinitely more difficult.

What is a writer? Well… Let’s see. When people actually ask me what I’m doing in school, rather than saying that I should study law even though it’s very hard and not my cup of tea, I am forced to tell them, “I am a English/Prose honours double major.” I say “prose” because “creative writing major” sounds like I get a free padded hat when I graduate. These people who ask invariably say, “Oh, Journalism! How exciting!” I used to disagree and tell them, “no, no. Journalism is the opposite of what I want to do!” I would then go into an explanation of what a writer does, and what a journalist does. This would usually confuse them and would conclude with them, after more lengthy explanation, saying, “So, you’re going to write stories?” Which, with their tone, usually sounds more like, “Oh, you’re going to finger-paint and make hearts out of pipe cleaners!”
I assume you guys know what a writer does so we can skip that and move into what makes my job hard, namely, news stories like this:
“It’s as incredible as it is unthinkable. In an area where hundreds of thousands are feared dead, a new unwanted phenomenon is showing up – tourists.
Hard as is it to believe, travellers who held tickets for the popular Thailand resort of Phuket showed up there on Friday to begin their scheduled vacations.
Bizarre scenes of people lying on the beach getting a tan were intermingled with shots of dead bodies being tended to nearby, in an amalgam of tragedy turned into something approaching lunacy.
“My time has come around, that's it,” explains Juergen Kroh, who just jetted in from Germany. “So don't be scared, and of course all the pictures there you can see in the television around the world, they are horrible. It's a disaster. But what can we do?”
Survivors are bewildered that people would even think about coming to the place where more than a thousand died.
Some corpses are actually washing up on the beach, in the same places where the tourists sit. And in addition to all the chaos, there’s a lack of supplies to feed the sudden crowd.
Local business owners are struggling to restore order to their destroyed shops and restaurants to meet the unexpected demand.”
It’s sort of like Weekend at Bernie’s, except everyone else is dead.
Seriously though, I’m supposed to make up weird and wacky things for people to read and be entertained by, but how am I supposed to compete with stuff like Jerk-off-jet-setter Juergen Korh vacationing in a place called Phuket (come on, that’s funny) after a massive natural disaster? How am I supposed to top punch lines like, “It’s a disaster. But what can we do?” How am I then supposed to get that *Uph* into my stories? I’m not going to say that people are getting desensitized by television because I don’t like in vogue polysyllabic words, but I’ll say this: People are getting used to an elevated level of assholary.
jona, your fellow english major says:
welcome to my world. although i'm not doing "creative writing", i still have my fair share of explaining after telling people what it is i study at school. my answers range from a broad "english", to a more specific "english literature" and sometimes i'll even throw in an "english: literature AND linguistics" just to slut myself. no matter what, though, i still get the same reaction: "so you want to be an english teacher?"
no. fuck no.
i study french at school so maybe one day i can land a job with the government. i study philosophy so i'm equipped to analyze and be logical. i study english because i enjoy it, and we're taught somewhat the same skills as in philosophy class.
but no. i'm not in school so i can babysit your future children in 10 years.
From Samie
So true. But what the hell is wrong with people asking what you're going to do with your degree? For me, Translation. How much more straight forward can that get? Yet I still get asked: "So what are you going to do with that?"
i don't even know what i like.
it's funny how this became a discussion about "Majors" and "Education" rather than the intended "German Asshole" slant. But whatever floats ur boat girls. ;)
From Samie:
Well I personally don't think those assholes deserve any more mention because they are beyond low. Every single German person I've met who hase come from there, are not compassionate or even remotely friendly. The only compassionate Germans I've ever met are third generation Canadians with ancestors from Germany! GO CANADA!
Sam, you remember "slut"? I think she was German, wasn't she?
I believe you are quite right, Socs. And how friendly was she? HA HAAA!
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