Sunday, December 19, 2004

Addiction to posting is immanent

For those of you out there that might know a shady bitch or two, here's a little diddy I wrote in place of a journal entry for my class Lyric Poetry: Sappho's Greece to Donne's England. Enjoy.

Love Rationed

How could you lie

.....So smoothly then,
With eyes in mine
.....And body spent?
Our covenant-
Years gone. Heart frayed.

This stranger stalks
.....Me in my sleep;
His crooked cock,
.....His cloven feet.
I never beat
Or laid a hand.
But still. This Man.

We, with Passion
.....Took solemn vows.
Love now rationed;
.....Whore’s lust espoused.
For you allowed
This stranger in
Our House. Your Skin.

You can’t deny
.....The strong cologne,
Or hide the sighs
.....When we’re alone.
Into our home
This man invades,
And I, Love, fade.


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