Monday, December 13, 2004

To appease my sudden urge to have a webpage (again)

Hi. I haven't done this shit in a long time. I was browsing through my hard drive and I ended up in a directory that held my now retired website. Those were the good ol' days. I invested so much time and effort into it, and now, being on the verge of 24 (quarter-life crisis), I have this urge to put my thoughts to html. or whatever this is.

First I thought I'd have a full blown page again, complete with flash intro, image maps, and ARCHIVES. But the idea of it made my balls hurt. I'm hardly feeling that at this particular moment. Maybe if I could've found a free domain provider, but those things have gone extinct. The only reason why I'm weary of becoming a "blogger" is because, if you know me, I'm very anti-anything-everyone-else-is-doing. Oh well, looks like I've started myself on the path of conformity. Anyway, this is the first of (possibly) many more entries. Check back when ever you can. With the convenience of posting that Blogger affords me, I'm sure I'll be on here bitching or praising something... sometime.


At 1:12 PM, Blogger feeling pretty said...

wo0o0oho0o0oo! =) An online bitching place for you... Yay!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...


that's hilarious, y0. i've never heard the word "fuck" described as "pretty", but you know what... you've got something there.


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