Monday, December 13, 2004

I hate plastic surgeons and I hope they all fucking diiiiiiiiiiie

I was watching the idiot box when I happened upon the last few minutes of a show called "The Swan". There is something completely, fundamentally, and irrefutably so fucking wrong about that show. If you don't know what The Swan is all about, here's a synopsis: Women who think there is something wrong with how they look get a plastic surgery makeover.

Not a wardrobe makeover, not a make-up makeover, a plastic surgery makeover. If you grew up being told children’s stories like I did you’d be familiar with the story of The Swan. Essentially it’s the story of an ugly duckling that isn’t accepted until she becomes a beautiful swan. We can look at this story in two ways; firstly we can look at it as a story that tells children that they do not have any worth if they are not up to society’s standards of beauty. Secondly, a more preferable reading, we can look at the “ugly duckling” as being a metaphor for any perceived lacking that a person might have, that includes intellectually. Upon attaining, through hard work, that which the “ugly duckling” thinks they lack they are no long an ugly duckling, they’ve transformed themselves into a swan. (now isn’t that much better?) Anyway, with this second reading, the use of the story of The Swan in the television production is fucking repugnant.

At the end of the episode “The Swan”, is revealed to their family and their family proceeds to show their love by hugging and kissing their new sooped up mommy. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that? I know what you’re thinking. It’s what she wanted, she wants to be beautiful. And actually, that’s what these Swans say. They’ve always wanted to be beautiful, they’ve always wanted to be just like the women in magazines. News flash, bitch. You’re ugly, and that isn’t the end of the world. How can you do something so fucking irresponsible and so incredibly damaging to your children as changing how you look? What the shit is this going to do to their self-esteem? Chances are the ugly-stick-beating that you received won’t skip their generation, won’t they, I don’t know, think that maybe since mommy got sooped up because she wasn’t happy with how she looked that they should too?


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Karen Wyman said...

Kudos to you! I haven't seen this show, only heard of and about it. It's horrifying that women's mutilation of their bodies is being broadcast as entertainment, and more horrifying that women are choosing to do this kind of thing to their bodies. I'm glad there are voices like yours to combat the messages women are getting from show like these.


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