To My Female Readership

.....He then went on to produce T.M.I. (too much information)
“When I was 16, I used to do it all night. Before I was sixteen, all night! Until the rooster crowed in the morning.” I smiled and said, “oh yea?” acting interested, but I probably wouldn’t win an Oscar for the performance.
.....Why do old men feel it’s important that I know how much they did it as a kid? Am I supposed to jump on the conversation and say, “YEA? WELL I’M DOING IT RIGHT NOW!” I know, I’m generalizing, but in my life this has probably happened to me 2-3 times a year since I turned 15.
.....Maybe you’re thinking that these men are just crude. Maybe you’re thinking they’re uneducated. Maybe it’s true, but it’s happened to me at York as well. (P.S. I'm not saying my dad is dumb. He's brilliant, his friends are retards.)
.....I was just leaving my Linguistics course that I was taking for the 2nd time that I would end up dropping weeks later when I recognized a mature student who used to tell really bad jokes in my “Ancient Philosophy and Civilizations” class. He was headed my way. Being the nice young fellow that I am, I said Hello. Paul, that was his name, took this as invitation to begin a conversation with me. It went like this:
.....“You listening to music?” Paul asked.
.....I had an ear bud in my right ear. “Yup!”
.....“Hope it’s under *** decibels.” I can’t remember what number he said because I don’t know what’s in the safe range.
.....“I have no idea.” I said.
.....“I did a lot of things in my life, I drank a lot and did a lot of drugs, but I made sure to take care of my ears.”
.....Feigning awe at his sage wisdom of protecting ones hearing “Good for you! I’ll probably be deaf by 40.”
.....Paul chuckled, “Where you going? Going to drink some beer?”
.....It was 10:30 in the morning.
.....I looked at him, furrowing my brow and displaying that timeless you’re kidding me expression saying, “It’s 10:30 in the morning.”
.....Paul chuckled again. “Where you going then? Gonna go look for some pussy?”
.....Yes, he actually said that.
.....I felt like backing away because harmless, bad joke telling Paul had just revealed him self to be a dirty old man. Without missing a beat he blurted out, in a lower tone, “I used to chase a lot of pussy when I was younger. Listen, what do you call the useless skin around the vagina?”
Still shocked, I shrugged.
.....“The woman.” He laughed, I half-laughed. “I gotta get going, you have a good day.” He said. I told him to have a good day, then walked away feeling like I needed an enema in my ears.
.....This isn’t the only reason why you, my female readership, should be thankful for having the chromosomal order of XX, but it’s one of them.
Love Samie :p
jona, one of your loyal female readers, says:
try having those crude comments directed right AT you. i'm not good with compliments anymore because all the people i DON'T want saying such things are the ones spitting 'em right at me.
one day at work, i was wearing a shir that had a ribbonish type thing (ok, i'm not 5, but it was a string thing) that was JUST for show as it didn't serve a purpose at all. so i was sitting behind the reception desk, when some 50+ man said, "so hey, what happens if i pull the string loose?"
"nothing," i said.
so he goes, "oh that's too bad."
Jona, you shoulda said, "I turn into a ravenous-cock-hungry-concubine RAAAAAAAAAAAAR!~!@!!" Then claw at him as he sits down.
And you are five. Stop lying.
LMAO! it's true Jona, you should really be honest about your age *rollseyes*
WOW. What retards, indeed! I'll bite my tongue on what else I could call 'em. Men like that NEED to know that we women are more that a life support system for a vagina! >:|
you are?
jona says:
we are?
I meant to tpe 'than' instead of 'that'. But YEAH; I'm an actual human; an emotional creature that expects respect, you know? ;) It's amazing that there are still so many men with such barbaric opinions of women. I've been lucky to have a number of real gentleman make themselves known in my life. :) It's the air show parties where I encounter some real twiggers that would cheat on their wives/girlfriends in a heartbeat.
Twigger (n.): A person of mixed ethnicity, Thai and Caucasian, who has aspirations of one day being black.
oblivious samie says:
ah, thank you for the definition. this girl isn't down with the lingo you kids use nowadays
I as well don't know what a "twigger" is. I made up the definition.
linguist jona says:
could be a mix of "twat" and "nigger"...i dunno.
No, it also means 'a fornicator.' Really. I'm not a racist, for the love of God, people.
God's racist. He told me so.
He also hates women.
...and has a killer sense of humour.
racism's just a tag people use when they're jealous of someone else's wicked sense of humour.
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