Pride + sloth + gluttony + wrath + envy + lust + greed = iSin

I know what you’re thinking. “There he goes again, jumping to conclusions for shits and giggles.” No, I’m being serious this time, people.*
The iPod is the, albeit convenient and attractively packaged, tasters pack for the Seven Deadly Sins.
With the aid of what I'm able to recall from Sunday School, let’s go through the SDS.
This one is easy enough to see if you travel along the vain of vanity. People pride themselves on how close they are to capacity on their iPod harddrives. They pride themselves on the accessories they bought, “Have you seen my new lexan case? I could drop it off a building and it wouldn’t hurt my iPod!” And don’t even get me started on how supportive they’re being of the music industry. (iTunes is for chumps)
Some say the entire point of being industrious is to produce more time for leisure. (the poor, poor robots) When you’re lounging pool side, or having a giant bonfire (Derek), who needs to be bothered with the hassle and time consuming act of changing CDs? With the iPod just lazy it up and rotate, click click, play!
Some say the entire point of being industrious is to produce more time for leisure. (the poor, poor robots) When you’re lounging pool side, or having a giant bonfire (Derek), who needs to be bothered with the hassle and time consuming act of changing CDs? With the iPod just lazy it up and rotate, click click, play!
The standard rule of thumb is that a minute of mp3 encoded music takes up about a meg worth of harddrive space. (For those techno geeks out there, yes, it does depend on the quality. STFU) The largest iPod offered on the site having a 30 gig harddrive lets do the math.
1 gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes
30 gigabytes = 30,000 megabytes
30,000 megabytes = 30,000 minutes of mp3 playing
30,000 minutes / 4.5 minutes (avg. song length) = 6,666.666667
6,666 songs. Unless you’re a trucker, who needs a glut of music such as this? (and is 6,666 really a coincidence?)
Ever drop someone’s 500 dollar iPod? Try it. You’ll see wrath.
With the new generation iPods, old generation owners will exhibit envy. What with the probability of coloured screens, built-in cameras, and wi-fi... it’s a given.
What else would you call someone that hordes such a large amount of anything?
Lust (my personal favourite)
I must say, I’m quite partial to the look and feel of the iPod. The way it click-click-clicks when you rub its areola-like circular-interface, its milky complexion and shiny hiney, and the way it reacts to light petting… who wouldn’t lust after this mp3 whore?
So be aware, faithful readers. Sinners are abound.
1 gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes
30 gigabytes = 30,000 megabytes
30,000 megabytes = 30,000 minutes of mp3 playing
30,000 minutes / 4.5 minutes (avg. song length) = 6,666.666667
6,666 songs. Unless you’re a trucker, who needs a glut of music such as this? (and is 6,666 really a coincidence?)
Ever drop someone’s 500 dollar iPod? Try it. You’ll see wrath.
With the new generation iPods, old generation owners will exhibit envy. What with the probability of coloured screens, built-in cameras, and wi-fi... it’s a given.
What else would you call someone that hordes such a large amount of anything?
Lust (my personal favourite)
I must say, I’m quite partial to the look and feel of the iPod. The way it click-click-clicks when you rub its areola-like circular-interface, its milky complexion and shiny hiney, and the way it reacts to light petting… who wouldn’t lust after this mp3 whore?
So be aware, faithful readers. Sinners are abound.
*no i'm not. this is for shits and giggles, but you knew that.
funny. the classic YOU. rG*na.
the only reason i opted for something other than a discman after mine had broken was that my friend diane lost a cd wallet on one of the trips we took to follow our favourite band. i'd be gutted had that have been moi.
i almost got suckered into an ipod, but 'settled' on an MD player instead.
people are so into how much space they have on their ipods instead of the quality of music on it.
being a music snob, i'm all about the quality.
each MD for me holds about 45 cds. not just shit that muchmusic tells me to get and that i can dl off a file sharing prog.
and i'm in agreement about sound quality. all of my 80s britpop/madchester stuff sound like shite if i ripped the cds on lo-fi.
I, too, have an MD player and it's a far superior music listen gadget. I mean, yea you have discs, but the newer MD players carry a gig, if you need more music than that you can always buy more discs.
The iPod, this christmas, was the default gift. It was expensive, flashy, and fun to say. "Omg! you got me an iPod!"
Personally, if I was going to get a new portable music player I'd opt for this thing made by Kanguru. It's a usb drive/mp3 player. Small, sleek, lube it up and it'll slide easily into your...
(why do I always have to go there?)
i got this little baby right here:
like you said, buy more discs. i have two discs and that's 2gbs.
i wish i had had enough money to buy one that could bootleg concerts :(
Ryan Gosling sucks.
that's really random.
ryan gosling is sex on legs.
ryan gosling is a spindly bitch and I could take him anyday.
jona meet dan.
dan meet jona.
dan is refering to a post i made on his page.
morons can still be hot.
and bright people (like myself) can still have bouts of superficiality. therefore, i stand by my wish to one day lick ryan gosling's face.
my tshirt says "filth rock stars kiss me".
that should say "filthy".
i recant previous statement of calling myself 'bright'.
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