Saturday, June 04, 2005

Mess With the Bull, Get a Horn.

Upon driving Marc home after a leisurely afternoon man-date at the mall, I commented that I was feeling tired. I followed up that comment with a comment that I should try some of that Red Bull Energy Drink. It gives you wings, you know. Marc relayed the information that the Shoppers Drug Mart up the way kept a healthy stock, so I decided, upon dropping Marc off, that I’d go and get some Red Bull and give it a whirl since when I got home I had farm chores that required my attention.
.....Standing in front of the chilled shelves that held the drink in question, I read the can: “Warning, do not exceed 500 ml in one day.” I thought, “Lets go maximum.” I took two cans, went to pay, yes to Optimum card, got my change, and went, somewhat lethargically to the van. I started the van and cracked open the first can. I took a sip. I was some what anxious about what the drink might taste like and my initial response in that respect is as followed:

Red Bull tastes like what I'd expect pink cotton candy melted and mixed with crushed aspirin and seltzer water to taste like.

.....Not exactly delicious, not exactly horse piss in a dog doo-doo rimmed glass, but just this side of tolerable.
.....In the advertisements that I’ve seen on the tube Red Bull purports to give you a boost of energy or as they call it, “Wings”. Well, in my case, it gave me ass-gas as well as another enjoyable side effect.
.....Read on faithful reader, read on.
.....Half way home, a 15-20 minute drive the way I drive (I drive like your grandma gorged on a bottle of tranquilizers while blaring Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" with the windows down), I’d finished my first can and was feeling, aside from the gas, nothing at all. “On to the second can,” I thought, shrugging my shoulders and tossing the empty over my shoulder. *crack-psssh* (That’s my attempt at onomatopoeia for what a can opening sounds like. Shut up, it’s dead-on.)
.....Finishing a third of the second can, I stopped. South of the boarder an uprising was welling. My pants were suddenly a size too small. My third leg got stiff. Euphemisms not penetrating? In other words then:

Wood like you or I have never seen.

.....I’m not talking soft pine; I’m talking fossilized redwood here. This is the hard-on of legends, I shit you not. And frankly, I’m getting a little worried.
.....Have you ever heard the story about that guy who was hard for days? At first it was all fun and games (no, no one lost an eye) but then after 4 days it hadn’t gone away and he could not sleep or urinate because of the pain? He eventually had to go to the hospital, where subsequently he and Pedro went under the knife? This is the prospect I’m currently dealing with. Yes, it’s only been an hour, but my body has grown chilled while my pants are on fire. Excuse the lack of sense this post might exhibit, but all the oxygen rich blood has travelled out of my brain and is currently funding the revolt below.
.....I still don’t get the whole “Wings” deal though. Maybe it’s a veiled reference to your balls filling like sails in a warm breeze. That made no sense whatsoever. Blame the Bull.
.....It’s 4:44, I’ve got a painfully happy full pair of pants and must go feed my dogs.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

Red Bull is the code name for Liquid Viagra.

Too bad I don't have a sister, we could've tested the effects of Red Bull on a female. Probably would need to put some papers down for her.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger jona rhica said...

i've been wanting to try redbull many a time as i don't exercise and really don't know any other way to boost energy.

but your little tale was hilarious. you are my literary hero.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

you're just saying that because i fixed your computer.

but I'll take a stroking anyday.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger jona rhica said...

what? nigga please...

i'd read all your works unless you write children's books.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

And what a fucked up children's book it would be.

Written for my daugther to instill a fear in her of anything remotely phallic.

All me monsters would look like penises.

Might turn her into a dike, but that would be fine with me.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger jona rhica said...

that's been done before. don't they call that hentai?

At 12:10 PM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg!! that is way too funny!! by far my favourite drink is the red bull and vodka mixer. you say that "Red Bull is the code name for Liquid Viagra", but this alcoholic concoction has been dubbed 'liquid cocaine' or 'cocaine in a can' i can't wait for you to blog your results, if and when you do decide to try it. i have a good 3-4 when i'm out clubbing, and i have enough energy and buzz to last the nite.

and for those of you who want to try red bull, it certainly gives you a boost (and no, not in that sexual way...unless you're n3rd-0). it tastes sweet, but not quite like fruit juice, and about twice stronger and more expensive than coffee.

and no, i have not experienced or heard of similar effects as n3rd-0...


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


way. to. go.

LOL ur children's story idea sounds good. lol. don't forget the symposium as well.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

Amia! Where have you been? Haven't seen or spoken to you in a while... Did your splinter cell become active and you're now in the planning phase of anthraxing Pacific Mall?

Let me know, so I can NOT be there when it happens.

Jokes jokes!

Hope all is well with you and Ray! Tell him I said hello.

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO. i heart u platonically Socs.

how did you learn of my devious plot? *evil snicker*

things with Ray and i are the same as i had told u before, but we working toward that one main goal :) i shall pass along your message

u should swing by Proctor one day dOOd, i work in the membership office

lol imagine me working out

did u block me mofo? :(

At 10:00 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

Why would I block you?! Silly, Amia. I might be down glendon way this week, seeing as that they're being complete cock smokers about me taking a 2000 level course that I need to graduate. So I will let you know! Maybe we can go have lunch like the old days!


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