Tuesday, April 05, 2005

cumbersome gummy bears of burbon

This is what I sound like after writing 20 poems, writing a take home exam (12 pages), revising 35 pages of my own fiction, and reading 7 chapters of a computer text all within the span of 4 days.

right click this, select "Save Target As..." and save it where ever you want on your harddrive, then open it with your favorite MP3 player.*

*Not me, Christian Bök, York University Professor. (Yes, I said professor)


At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twelve pages? Dude, I was struggling after four!


At 7:11 AM, Blogger n3rd-0 said...

I talked a lot of bullshit on my exam. I'm sure that your 4 pages is quality shit, while mine is just, well, shit. :) I'm just glad i'm done with it. One more assignment and my ass is on holiday. holla!


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